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Travel information in Puri

City Information

The nearest airport is 62km away at Bhubaneswar. There are Indian Airlines flights from there to Delhi, Calcutta, Hyderabad, Madras, and Bombay. Indian Airlines, Bhubaneswar City, Airport, Reservations.

Puri has direct train service to and from Calcutta, New Delhi, Ahmedabad Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, and Tirupati. The Neelachal Express and the Puri-New Delhi Exp, take 32 hours to reach Delhi, and the Utkal/Kalinga train takes 40 hours. Departing from New Delhi station the Puri-New Delhi Exp, Neelachal Exp, and the Purushottam Exp all take 32 hours. The once a week Rajasthani Express, takes 25 hours to go from Delhi to Bhubaneswar.

The Howrah-Puri Express is a good, fast train that departs from Howrah Station in Calcutta and arrives in Puri. This train returns from Puri and arrives in Calcutta. TheJagannathExpress leaves Puri and arrives in Calcutta 11 hours later.

There are several trains to Bhubaneswar, but the buses are faster. The train takes two hours and the bus takes one and a half. If you are going to or from South India you can change trains at Bhubaneswar or at Khurda Road junction (44 km from Puri), which is south of Bhubaneswar on the Madras-Calcutta main line.

The Puri-Titupati Exp, is a direct train to Tirupati.

Train to all over India can be gotten from Bhubaneswar. From Bhubaneswar there is a daily train to Madras, two trains a week to Bangalore, four a week to Kochi and the Guwahati-Trivandrum Express goes to Thiruvananthapuram. There are five trains a day to Balasore, near Remuna. There is a daily train to Agra and three trains a week to Varanasi. To get to Bombay you have to Delhi train to Kharagpur Junction, just north of the Orissan border, then wait five and a half hours, and then get the Bombay Mail coming from Calcutta. The tÀotal traveling time is about 47 hours.

You can make reservations for all class tickets at the station or for class tickets at the station or for second class tickets only at the city booking office, opposite the police station on Rd. Especially during the pilgrim season, trains should be booked as far in advance as possible.

Be prepared for the extremely aggressive taxi and rickshaw drivers when you arrive at the station. They will try to get at least three times the normal price. Whatever price you are quoted, offer one third that and you will still be over-paying.

The bus stand is by the Gun Mandira on Grand Rd.

The Canter minibuses to and from Bhubaneswara are quicker than the buses. Minibuses from Bhubaneswara to Puri (1 1/2 hr) leave regularly from the Baramunda (New) Bus Stand the Old Bus Stand, and from by the petrol station opposite the Ashok Hotel. To get to Bhubaneswara takes at least two hours by train, and only an hour and a half by bus. The non-stop buses, which stop once or twice, are the quickest.

There are regular hourly buses to Konak (1 hr). Some of the private buses leave from the junction of Grand Rd and Hospital Rd.


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