Shree Ganesh
Shree Ganesh
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Shree Ganesh

You must have read or seen, written or drawn 'Ganeshaya Namah' (Salutation to Ganesh) on the first page of a book or the front of houses, shops and in the opening of a ledger. It is also a common practice to worship Lord Ganesh by the side of Goddess Lakshmi on the night of Diwali. Surely, you would like to know who Lord Ganesh or Ganeshji is and what place or importance He has in Hindu religion. He is called the God of wisdom. No auspicious act or ritual is begun without invoking Him.

It is a well-known fact that no action or effect takes place without a cause or reason. Now, the question rises why Ganesh had to take birth. For this purpose, we shall have to go through the pages of ancient history or mythology.

During the time between the end of Dwapar and the beginning of Kaliyug, performance of sacrifices or penance was neither austere nor rigid. Thus, mortal human beings started receiving the blessings of Lord Shiva by worshipping and pleasing Him in His shrine Someshwar or Somanath. By praying or worshipping Him simply, people could attain freedom from their sins. This meant salvation. Salvation was made easy for common men to get entry into the heaven.

The entrants to the heaven increased in great number. But they did not have the level of living and thinking as desired there. They indulged in wordly luxuries and were arrogant. They did not listen to the Gods or the sages. Everyone thought, "I am the greatest. I am subordinate to none."

When the situation did not improve for a long time, the Gods found themselves disturbed and perturbed. They were unable to perform any religious ritual or worship. It was impossible for them to find any clean and calm place to even live in. In other words, the heaven was no more the abode of Gods as if inhabited by mortals. When the Gods asked them to behave properly, they were insulted and abused. They pushed and elbowed the Gods away. None could set them right. There was no peace in the heaven. There was everywhere mischief, disputation and breach of rules. Heaven had virtually become a hell. The Gods were simply bewildered and dumb-founded at the odd behaviour of the mortals who were bent upon throwing out the Gods from their ancient abode. The Gods tried to intimidate the mortals by their impressive robes and looks but it proved to be an exercise in futility. Their angry looks merely emboldened the mortals. The Gods were in a fix and did not know what to do.
