Isavasya OR Isa Upanisad
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad
Chandogya Upanisad
Taittiriya Upanisad
Aitareya Upanisad
Kausitaki Upanisad
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Kena Upanisad
Katha Upanisad
Svetasvatara Upanisad
The Mundaka Upanisad
Prasna Upanisad
Mandukya Upanisad
Maitri Upanisad
Kausitaki Upanisad

Chapter One

5. He comes to the tree, Ilya, and smell of Brahma enters him. He comes to the public square, Salyajya, and the taste of Brahma enters him. He comes to the dwelling, Aparajita, and the brightness of Brahma enters him. He comes to the two door-guardians, Indra and Prajapati, and they run away from him. He comes to the hall, Vibhu, and the glory of Brahma enters him.

‘He comes to the throne, Vicaksana. The Brhat and Rathantara samans are its front feet; the Syaita and Naudhasa its back feet; the Vairupa and Vairaja its side-pieces; the Sakuara and Raivata its cross-pieces; the awareness one discerns.

‘He comes to the couch, Amitaujas. That is the breath. What has been and what is to be are its front feet; splendour (sri) and refreshment (ira) its back feet; the Bhadra and Yajnayajniya its head-pieces; the Brhat and Rathantara its side-pieces; the rc verses and saman verses its lengthwise cords; the yajus verses its crosswise ones; the Soma-stems its mattress; the Udgitha coverlet; and glory its pillow. On it Brahma sits. The one who knows this at first sets just one foot on it.
‘Brahma asks him, Who are you?
‘He should reply to him:

6. I am a season: I am of the seasons. From space as womb I came into being as seed for a wife: as the brightness of the year; as the self of being after being. You are the self of being after being. What you are, I am.
‘He says to him, Who am I
‘He should say, Truth (satya).
‘What is that turth?’
What is other than the gods and the breaths is being (sat), and what is the gods and the breaths is yonder (tyam), which is why ‘truth’ is called by this name. So much is all this. You are all this. This is what he tells him. This is taught in a verse:

7. He whose belly is the yajus, whose head is the saman, Whose form is the rc, unfailing one, should be known as Brahma,
Great Rsi, made of Brahman.

He says to him, By what does one win my masculine names

‘He should say, By the breath (prana, masc.)
By what my neuter names?
By mind (manas, neut.).
By what my feminine names?
By speech (vac, fem.).
By what my smells?
By the breath.
By what my forms?
By the eye.
By what my sounds?
By the ear.
By what my tastes of food?
By the tongue.
By what my actions?
By the hands.
By what my joy and sorrow?
By the body.
By what my delight, pleasure and procreation?
By the loins.
By what my movements?
By the feet.
By what my thoughts, By awareness.
‘Brahma says to him, The waters are my world: that world is yours. He wins as his victory the victory, the attainment, that is Brahma’s-the one who knows this, the one who knows this.’

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