The story of Ma Vaishno
About the Shrine
Route to the cave
Information To Pilgrims
How To Get There






About the Shrine 

Finally, the day fixed for the Bhandara arrived. Shridhar had not slept a wink the night before. He had, in fact, spent the entire night wrestling with the problem of how to feed his guests with the few provisions that he had been able to collect.

Trikuta Mountain under Mist
However, when he was unable to come up with a satisfactory solution till the morning, he resigned himself to his fate and got up to face the day.

After his ablutions, he collected the various things that would be required for the Puja that would precede the Bhandara and sat down for the puja outside his hut. By midday his guests started arriving. Finding him deeply involved in the puja, they began to make themselves comfortable wherever they could find place and began chatting with each other.
When the puja was over Shridhar looked around and saw the huge number of guests who had arrived. He greeted them respectfully and was wondering how to tell his guests that he could not feed them when he saw Vaishnavi coming out of his hut. She walked up to him and told him softly that the food was ready and that he should request his guests to come into the hut and partake the meal. Shridhar looked at her disbelievingly but she caught him by his hand and gently pushed him towards his guests. Reluctantly, Shridhar walked up to his guests and requested them to go into the hut and eat the food that had been cooked. Since the hut was very small, a few people got up and went in. However, Shridhar found that there was still some space inside and so he requested a few more people to come in. This continued till all the guests had miraculously filled into that small hut. Then Vaishnavi put plates and cups made of leaves called Pattal and Dona, before each guest and began to serve them from a container she was holding in her hand. Each guest was served his favourite dishes and they ate till they were replete. Shridhar was in a daze. He could not believe his eyes when he saw all the guests eating to their heart's fill while he had had no food cooked. After the guests had eaten they took their leave and departed. Even though Shridhar was relieved that the Bhandara had been a success and his self respect was still intact, he could not help wondering that what had happened in his hut that day was possible only with divine intervention. So, he decided to get to the botton of the matter by asking young Vaishnavi for an explanation for the mysterious developments of the day. He called out to her. There was no reply. He called out again and again but with the same result. Vaishnavi was no where to be seen. Suddenly a feeling of emptiness engulfed him. He felt as if something very precious had been taken away from him. A burning desire to see Vaishnavi again seized him. So, he hurried up the mountain to where he usually took the cattle for grazing and began to look for Vaishnavi there, but to no avail. She just could not be found. As the hours ticked by his desire for meeting Vaishnavi began to grow more intense and he began searching for her frantically. High and low he looked for her, but in vain. Night fell and he had still not found her. He resolved to spend the night on the mountain so that he could start searching for her as soon as the next day broke.

He spent many days and nights on the mountain looking for Vaishnavi, but he could not find any trace of her. One day, while he was standing in the Pai nallah on the Trikuta mountain he happened to look up. He thought he glimpsed a person in red clothes standing on a ledge on the cliff. The ledge seemed to be adjacent to a place from where water was cascading down. He decided to investigate. He made his way with great difficulty up the cliff but found only some foliage and a small stream of water flowing out of the foliage. There was no sign of Vaishnavi. He went closer and peered behind the bushes and found an opening in the cliff face. It was a cave. He crawled into it and landed with a thump in cold, shallow water. He was winded so he lay there trying to get his breath back back and adjust his eyes to the gloom inside. After some time he began to discern indistinct shapes and protruding rocks. He got up and slowly began to feel his way deeper into the cave. The cave seemed to turn this way and that as he continued to wade ahead in the water. As he went deeper into the cave it became darker and darker till he could see nothing. However, he continued to grope his way and move ahead. Then he sensed that he cave seemed to be ascending because the water level began to fall. After some time his feet were on dry ground. He sat down. Suddenly, the frustrationof not having succeeded in searching out Vaishnavi and the desolation he felt at having been separated from her overwhelmed him. A sob welled up from deep inside him and tore out of his mouth. This was followd by another and then another. And then he was weeping in anguish with body racking sobs. While he wept he prayed to Shakti to help him locate Vaishnavi. Suddenly, the cave was bathed in ethereal light. The light shone upon him gently. Soon he felt as if the light had entered his very core. He was calmed. And then he had the vision. He saw Vaishnavi smiling at him through the light. Suddenly she was transformed into a celestial being of transcending beauty with eight arms and hands who was sitting astride a lion. In her hands she held different weapons and auspicious objects. In a mellifluous voice She told Shridhar that She was indeed Shakti in Her incarnation of Vaishnavi and resided in this cave in petrified rock-form. She added that this cave on the Trikuta mountain was a unique cave as it was only here that She was manifested in Her three forms of MAHA KALI, MAHA LAKSHMI and MAHA SARASWATI. Divine rays emanated from each form and coalesced to radiate beneficent blessings upon all creatures who resided in the surrounding areas. She commanded him to worship Her in the cave every day. Thereafter, the vision ended. Gradually the light faded and the cave was once again plunged into darkness. However, Shridhar's heart was full of light. He had been blessed by his Aradhya Dev. He could wish for nothing more. Slowly he came out of the cave and wended his way down the mountain to his hut in Hansali. Whoever saw him remarked wonderingly at the glorious look of joy that seemed to suffuse not only his face but his very being.

Henceforth, every morning before dawn broke, Shridhar would make his way to the cave to worship the Goddess Vaishnavi. Thereafter, he returned home to perform his daily chores. His daily routine of going to the Holy cave to worship the Goddess was not affected by the quirks of weather or the changes in the seasons. Whatever the weather, every morning would find him at the Holy cave Soon this came to be remarked upon. Most of the people did not believe his explanation that he went every morning to worship Goddess Vaishnavi in Her abode in a Cave on the mountain. They reasoned that he could as easily worship the Goddess in his hut like the others in the village did. In fact, they further argued, he had been doing so all his life till he suddenly started disappearing every morning. Gradually word spread in the surrounding areas that Shridhar disappears for a few hours every morning.

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