Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

O Agni, most ancient, the ancient men who observed the law, enkindled thee for their help, the bright God, the adorable, nourisher of mankind, worship-worthy, Lord of the hearth and home. Of old have men established thee as their foremost guest, the lord of their household, high-bannered, of many forms, benevolent helper, the winner of stakes and devourer of ancient forests. The races of men praise you, him who knows well the burnt offerings, discerner, liberal donor of riches, visible to all yet dwelling in secret, the most blessed one, loud-roaring, skilled in sacrifice, glorified with the ghee. To thee, O mighty Agni, we mortals have ever approached with reverence, singing your laud. So now ye be pleased with our sacrifice and burst into flames, enkindled as a God by the hands of mortal man. O thou multiformed Agni, much praised, givest subsistence to every man as of yore. By thy might thou controleth all kinds of foods. That light of thine, when blazing forth may not be opposed. O most youthful God, the envoy and oblation bearer of Gods, they have made thee their shining Eye, ye of wide range, dwelling in sacrificial oil and nourished by oblations. Men through the ages have sought thee with holy oil and fuel easy to burn. Thus imbued with strength, the size growing by the plants, ye spread yourself over all the realms of the earth.

To him, the Lord, the far-famed, the wise Ordainer, ancient and glorious, I offer a song of praise. Anointed with oil is he, the Lord, the mighty Agni, giver of bliss and protector of noble riches. By the power of the sacred sacrifice established in the highest heaven, they maintained the Cosmic Law, they our forefathers, though mortal men yet attained immortal seats, in the high heavens. The ancient men avoiding sins, brought him, the irresistible God. May he rekindled conquer all the hostile forces. They stand around him as around a wrathful lion.

O Agni, draw nigh unto us in friendship to deliver and help us. Be gracious to us. Come thou nigh to us, O Lord, wonderous, most invoked, grant us precious riches. Hear our call now, lend us your ear and protect us from the sinfulman. To you, O mighty radiant God, we bring this prayer. Shine bliss on our friends.

By the supreme Law strict order is maintained where they unyoke the steeds of the Sun, there are the ten hundred stand together. That one the greatest of the Deities, I have beheld there. This is your greatness, O Mitra-Varuna. They (the sun beams) there milk out the floods by the day that stand there, Ye twain swell the streams and your single wheel moves on its course. O Mitra and Varuna, ye twain Kings uphold the earth and heaven by your greatness, ye increase the milk in kine, nourish the plants and pour forth the swift rains in flood. May your well yoked steeds with their well managed reigns bear you down to us. A veil of sacred cloud follows in your wake and the streams flow in your front.

With hands that spare not, protecting the man of holy rites, whom you deliver amidst oblations, O King, free from passion, together you uphold the kingdom propped on thousand pillars. Its form is of gold, its pillars of iron. In heaven it shines like a swift lightning, or shining established in a field. May we acquire of that sweet that is there in that home. Ascend ye Varuna and Mitra to that home whose form is of gold, whose pillars are of the iron, at break o Dawn, at the rising of the Sun, and from there you behold both infinity and limit, O Mitra and Varuna, your protection is most strong, vast and flawless. Help us by that. May we be victorious and attain peace.
