Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Cast us not us a prey to the hateful or the proud, O Indra. Help us thou mighty with thy power and strength, O King Indra, we thy devoted friends implore thee and sing thy praise. The learned also praise thee with their hymns. O Thunderer, I praise none except thee in the skilled singer’s eulogy. On thy praise only have I thought. The Gods seek out an active man, who presses out soma, they like not a dreamer. They chastise idleness unweariedly. O God, come into us with wealth, do not deprive us food and strength. Thou art venerable like a grandfather before a grandson. May he not in anger spend the evening far from us today, like some unpleasant son-in-law.

Priests blend Soma juice for Indra and press out each draught most excellent, for him, the hero, the brave, for his enjoyment. The Virtra-slayer drinks the juice. May Indra, who helps us in hundred ways, approach unto us, and not stay afar. The two strong courses yoked by our prayer, shall being our friend Indra here, the song-lover, he stays not far away from us. Come here, blent the Soma juice, come the sweet juice is ready, thou Seer-like, strong, fair of visage, come fast to our feast! Our lauds, which we sing for bounty and vigour, wax thee strong. Come and exalt thee, O Indra, God of many a glorious deed! O Song-lover, these our songs are verses addressed to thee, these confirm thy renowned might.

O Indra, drink of the sweet savoury juice, enjoy our draught and be kind to us. Grant us wisdom, may your favours evermore guard us well. Be thou our friend and may our feast cheer thee up! In thy kind grace and favour may we still be powerful, cast us not into the net of enemy violence. Guard us, succour us with your manifold protections, establish us well in happiness! May these our hymns exalt thee, thou lord of opulent wealth! The holy sages, skilled in sacrifice, ever pure, sing thy praise in the presence of Agni. The God, to whom thousands of Seers resort for spiritual strength has spread like and ocean. True is his greatness and majesty. I admire his powers at solemn rites where his singers rule, O Indra, all the worshippers invoke thee alone in sacrifice. They call thee for acquiring spoil in the battle, in sacrifice. They call thee for acquiring spoil in the battle, in the mortal struggle out heaven and earth, with his strength hath lightened up the Sun. In him abide al the beings, in him reside the purifying Soma juice. Thy devotees are urging thee, Indra, to drink of the Soma draught first. The Gods of Seasons have raised their voices up and the Rudras have hymned thee as the foremost of the Gods. The mortal men even today as of old praise Indra at sacrifice, where he waxes strong on manly strength in the ecstasy of the Soma juice.

Just as chariots racing in the field of battle, displaying their strength, conquering foes, bring us wealth, so do these songs full of sweetness, rise unto thee, O Indra, from our hearts. The Seers and Sages like the rays of the Sun gain everything they desire and enjoy that. The learned men sings verses of praise to exalt Indra. O Indra, the best slayer of the Demons, harness thy bay steeds and come from far off realm to us with the Gods to drink of this Soma draught. The poets and bards have called on thee with their hymns at the sacrifice. O Indra, thou song-lover, as such thou listen to my call! Thou hurled headlong down Vritra from the high heaven and drove away the cows of the deceitful and wicked Demons who have hidden them in the mountain caves.
