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Lord A n i r u d d h a (see also S' v e t a d v î p a).
Sankarshana ('the one who unites, draws together, plows', see 10.8: 12): the first expansion of the Supreme Personality, who is responsible for the j i v a, the individual soul or ego-consciousness. (see also A n i r u d d h a - of the mind and V â s u d e v a of the consciousness and P r a d y u m n a of the intelligence, see also V y û h a s, S.B. 4.24:35-37 en P a ñ c a - t a t t v a).
- As a transcendental expansion of Lord B a l a r â m a (N i t y â n a n d a) named M a h â - and H a l â y u d h a, He represents the aspect of the individual soul (the j i v a). Is the source of the p u r u s h a - a v a t â r a's (see Vi s h n u).
Pradyumna: 'the pre-eminently mighty one', one of the four original expansions of Lord K r i s h n a in the spiritual world ruling the intelligence reported to be the god of love incarnate. (see also S a n k a r s h a n a - of the ego, A n i r u d d h a - of the mind and V â s u d e v a - of the consciousness, see also V y û h a s, S.B. 4.24:35-37 and P a ñ c a - t a t t v a).
- Name of Cupid the God of Love incarnated as a son of K r i s h n a and His first wife R u k m i n î.
- Pradyumna, the son of K r i s h n a fought against S' a l v a, a member of the family siding with S' i s' u p â l a. He couldn't defeat the great magician and thus was it K r i s h n a in person who put S' a l v a down (see 10.76).
Aniruddha: (Unobstructed, ungovernable, self-willed) one of the four original expansions of Lord K r i s h n a in the spiritual world dominating the mind (see also S a n k a r s h a n a- of the ego, P r a d y u m n a - of the intelligence and V â s u d e v a of the consciousness, see also V y û h a s S.B. 4.24:35-37 en p a ñ c a t a t t v a).
- Aniruddha, the son of P r a d y u m n a who was the son of K r i s h n a, was enticed by the daughter of B â n â s u r a into illicit sex, upon which a war followed in which B â n a was defeated (see chapter 10.62)
- A descendant of V r i s h n i
- The rope for fastening cattle.
Text 35
I offer my obeisances also to [You in the form of] Sankarshana [the Lord of ego and integration] who as the origin of the subtle non-manifest matter is the unsurpassable master of disintegration [at the end of time], and to the master of all development, the soul in the beyond Pradyumna [the master of intelligence].
My obeisances unto Sankarsan [the master of ego and integration], the origin of the subtle unmanifest and the unsurpassable master of disintegration; unto the master of evolution, unto Pradyumna [the master of intelligence] and the soul in the beyond. (Vedabase)

Text 36
All glories to You, I offer my respects again unto You as Aniruddha [Lord of the mind, of whom the sun god is an expansion, see also 3.1: 34], the master and director of the senses. My obeisances unto the Supreme One of perfect purity and completeness who stands apart from this material creation*.
All glories to you, my respects again unto You as Aniruddha [Lord of the mind, of whom the sungod is an expansion see also 3-1-34], the master and director of the senses; my obeisances unto the Supreme of the perfection and the complete, who stands apart from this material creation *, (Vedabase)

Text 37
Unto You as the heavenly abode, the path of liberation, the gateway of the eternal and the purest of the pure my obeisances. All my respects I offer unto You, the golden semen, who are the continuity of the Vedic sacrifices [câtur-hotra].
unto the heavenly abode, the path of liberation, the gateway of the eternal, the purest of the pure - my obeisances unto You. All honor to the golden of the semen, the vedic sacrifices [câtur-hotra] and the one of expansion. (Vedabase)
Pañca-tattva: (pañca: five) the reality of Lord C a i t a n y a as consisting of Himself, Lord N i t y â n a n d a, Lord A d v a i t a, Lord G a d â d h a r a and Lord V â s â d i. Are considered as V i s h n u - t a t t v a (see also pañca-tattva-mantra and catur vyûha).
Vishnu-tattva-avatâra: all incarnations of K r i s h n a in matter as plenary portion with His full potency (as opposed to j î v a - t a t t v a: incomplete expansions with a limited capacity). Jîva-tattva: the category of living beings (see â t m â) who are the utterly small but complete parts of the Supreme Personality. As opposed to vishnu-tattva.

Patañjali is known to be an incarnation of Ādi S'esha, Vishnu’s serpent, who is the first ego-expansion of Vishnu, Sankarshana. Sankarshana, the manifestation of Vishnu His primeval energies and opulences, is part of the so-called catur vyūha, the fourfold manifestation of Vishnu. Thus may Patañjali be considered as the one incarnation of God defending the ego of yoga.

Pancaratra and Ahirbudhnya Samhita

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