near Nagappattinam (Sikkal)
(Chola Naadu)
Vishnu: Lokanathan (Syamalameni Perumal)
in a standing posture facing east,
Taayaar: Lokanayaki, Aravindavalli
Theertham:Ravana Pushkarini
Paasuram :Tirumangai
Vimaanam:Utpala Vimanam
Travel Base:Thanjavur
Description This Divyadesam is located
near Nagappattinam, between the towns Keevalur
and Sikkal both enshrining Shivastalams glorified by the
Tevaram hymns.
The Moolavar here is Lokanathan or Syamalameni Perumaal in a standing
posture facing east while the Utsavar is Damodara Narayanan. Taayaar here
is Aravindavalli, and the Utsava Taayaar is Lokanayaki.
has it that Bhrigu Muni , Gowtama rishi and Bhrama worshipped Vishnu here.
Legend also has it that Vashishtar created an image of Krishna of butter
and meditated upon it. It is believed that Krishna appeared in front of
Vasishtar, who reached out to him; a group of rishis engaged in meditation
under the Magizha trees held Krishna, with their devotion, which served
as the 'Paasa Kayiru'. Hence the name Tirukkannankudi. Interestingly Vasishtar
is believed to have meditated upon a Shivalingam which he fashioned out
of butter, at Sikkal nearby. Tirumangai Alwar is believed
to have hidden a golden image of Buddha - here at Tirukkannankudi which
he had brought from a vihara at Nagappattinam for the purpose of building
the walls of the Srirangam temple.