Location: Tiruppatisaram
near Nagarkoil(Kanyakumari)
(Malai Naadu)
Vishnu: Tirukkuralappan, Venkatachalapati
Taayaar: Kamalavalli
Theertham:Lakshmi Theertham
Paasuram :Nammalwar
Vimaanam:Indrakalyana Vimanam
Travel Base:Kanyakumari
Description Tirupatisaram,
with its temple to Venkatachalapati, is located in Kanyakumari district,
near Nagarkoil in lush surroundings. Tirupatisaram is the birthplace of
the mother of Nammalwar. Nammalwar refers to Vishnu as Tiruvaazhmarban
at Vannpaasaram, in a lone verse. Worship protocols followed here are
also the same as those of Kerala.
The presiding deity here is Tiruvaazhmaarban, known as Tirukkuralappan
or Venkatachalapati in a seated posture facing east. Taayaar here is Kamalavalli
Naachiyaar (residing on his chest). Venkatachalapati is flanked by 6 of
the saptarishis in the sanctum. There is a shirne to Rama and Agastyar
outside the sanctum. There is also a shrine to Natarajar with Sivakami
and Vinayakar to the left of the sanctum. Murals depicting the 10 avatarams
of Vishnu are seen are seen one of the mandapams.
has it that Lakshmi fearing the fierce form of Narasimha following his
slaying Hiranya, meditated upon him; Vishnu upon assuming a Shanta Swaroopam
upon Prahladan's request, proceded in search of Lakshmi, who assumed his
chest as her permanent abode (Shria Pati Sancharam hence Tirupatisaram).
Udayanangai -and her
husband Kaari (both devotees of Vishnu), are believed to have celebrated
Vamanajayanti here (on the bright ekadashi in the month of Virgo), and
begotten Nammalwar on Vaikasi Vishakam. Legend also has it that the 7
Saptarishis meditated upon Vishnu here and were blessed with his divine
vision. It is believed that the waters of the temple tank have miraculous
healing properties.
Kerala Tantram is the worship protocol followed here. Five services are
offered each day. The annual Bhramotsavam is celebrated in the month of
Chittirai. Krishna Jayanthi, Saturdays in the month of Purattasi are considered
sacred here. Vaikuntha Ekadasi and Aadi Swathi (associated with Kulasekhara
Alwar) are also celebrated here.