Their Use In Sacraments And Worship

In creating the symbol of EK Onkar, Sikhism teaches its followers that divinity is one and all powerful. The symbol is similar to the Om, the cosmic sound which signifies divinity.

EK ONKAR : God Is One

The Sikhs use the symbol of EK Onkar to signify that god is one and he is pleased by devotion and observance of dharma. The principles of the Sikh religion are contained in the Granth Sahib which is a compilation of the teachings of the Sikh Gurus. This book is in itself a revered object. Sikhism, one of the more recent religions of the world was founded by Guru Nanak at a time of communal and national disharmony.

Two swords, a dagger and a shield, arranged in a specific design, are also representative of Sikhism. This symbol is further representative of the martial spirit of the religion. It shows that a person who follows this faith must be prepared to fight for his beliefs and surrender his life in the defence of his faith.

THE CRESCENT MOON: Promise Of Devotion To Allah

Islam is categorically against the use of any symbols for worship or veneration. However, with the passage of time and the inability of the common man to understand high metaphysics, some shapes have come to be considered sacred in Islam.

The crescent and star together was a symbol of moon worship in Byzantium. With the conquest of these lands by the Turks, it became a representation of Islamic culture. Often featured over mosques and dargas, it is used on the national flags of many Islamic countries.

Calligraphy taken from the Koran itself is often used to invoke devotion. A picture of the Kaaba stone in Mecca is another. The crescent with a star is a popular symbol used over mosques. But none of these symbols are worshipped or honoured in any ceremonies connected with Islam.

The crescent and star was originally associated with the worship of the moon in Byzantium. When the Ottoman Turks conquered this empire, they used it as a symbol of victory. Later it became a symbol of Islamic culture and appears on the flags of Islamic states. The moon, peaceful and cool, is representative of the guidance and solace given by Islam to its followers, with a promise of devotion towards Allah, the Almighty.

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