Rama Avatar
Being thus thwarted Soorpanakha returned
to Lanka, where her mightiest brother was the ruler.
She wept before Ravana and pleaded for
revenge against this supreme humiliation suffered by her.
Ravana took his best confidant Maricha with him and made plans
to teach Rama the lesson for life.
Maricha lured Rama away from the hermitage on a hunting expedition
by himself posing as the prey. Lakshmana was left alone on
guard with Sita. Maricha on false pretext succeeded in sending
Lakshmana too on a mission to search for Rama. When thus left
alone Ravana disguised himself as a Sadhu
(Mendicant) and forcibly kidnapped Sita from her hut in Panchvati.
The anger and sorrow of Rama at the
disappearance of Sita knew no bounds. He was determined
to trace his wife and to punish the culprits. He and Lakshmana
started the search in right earnest. On
the way they won the friendship of the chieftain of monkey
tribe. His name was Sugreeva whose throne in the capital
named Kishkandha was usurped by his own brother Balee. Rama
killed Balee and restored the throne to Sugreeva. This paved
the way for a solid alliance that helped Rama in a great way
in his battle against Ravana and his forces. As
a result of this friendship Rama not only got massive support
of the huge army of Sugreeva but also found a highly loyal
and efficient general named Hanuman, who proved to
be the greatest asset to Rama.
To prove his gratitude to Rama, Sugreeva sent a great number
of his monkeys in search of Sita. These
monkeys went southwards and on the way found out that the
demon Ravana had stolen Sita and kept her as his captive in
Lanka. Immediately Hanuman became ready to go to her
as Rama's emissary. Rama gave his ring to Hanuman to
convince Sita of the latter's genuine status. As Hanuman was
the offspring of the god of winds, he concentrated his powers
and leaped across so many miles over the sea. He saw Sita being held as a prisoner
in a garden of roses, called Ashoka-vatika. He showed
the queen the ring of Rama and assured her that he would be
soon coming to rescue Sita from the clutches of Ravana.
Meanwhile Ravana' s guards managed to catch Hanuman and brought
him in the court of Ravana. As legend goes before being caught
Hanuman succeeded in killing so many guards including one
of the sons of Ravana, named Akshaya. Then Ravana' s mightiest
son, Indrajit was sent and he could bring the monkey general
before Ravana. The king ordered his servants to dip the monkey's
tail in oil and set it on fire. The enraged Hanuman with his
tail in flames leaped from one house to the other thus setting
so many of them aflame. Eventually he left Lanka and reached
Rama's camp to give him the news about Sita's plight.