Rama Avatar
Rama narrated to them what the spy
had told him and said he would renounce Sita.They did
not agree to that. They said, "Brother, that
our sister-in-law is virtuous is known to the whole world.
She underwent even the fire ordeal in Lanka.
She entered the flames and came out unscathed. At that
time father Dasharatha came from Heaven and said, 'Sita is
a very virtuous lady. Your dynasty will prosper by her.' Is
the washer man's word more important than father is? Sita
is in advanced pregnancy. However can you think of renouncing
her in this condition?"
Rama asked Lakshmana to remain and
sent the others back. Then he said, "Brother Lakshmana,
you have never opposed whatever I said in the past. Now also
don't do so. I know that Sita is pure. It is very painful
for me to give her up. But it is my duty as a king to abandon
her. Sita has desired to go to the hermitages
of rishis. And I have agreed. So that will be the excuse.
Take her with you and leave her on the banks of the river
Ganga." Lakshmana would never go against his elder brother's
words. But his mind was not for abandoning Sita, so advanced
in pregnancy, in the jungle. "All right," he said to his brother,
and departed like a possessed man. By then the night was over
and it was dawn.
Lakshmana brought his chariot and
stationed it at the door of Sita's palace. Sita had
just then got up and was at her prayers. "Why Lakshmana, you
have come so early!" she said. Lakshmana in reply asked, "Mother,
why did you desire to go to the hermitages?" Sita did not
understand him fully. She felt very happy
that her desire was being fulfilled. She thought, 'How
much Rama loves me! How good he is! How quickly he fulfills
my wishes!' Her joy and elation were boundless. To take with
her she made a package of turmeric powder, vermilion, bangles,
blouses, saris and other auspicious articles to be presented
to the wives of sages. Thus Sita and Lakshmana started.
After a while the chariot reached the bank of the Ganga. Beyond
the river were the hermitages. Lakshmana stopped his chariot
and unyoking the horses, tied them elsewhere. With the help
of boatmen both of them crossed the river.
Then they began to walk. The Sun's heat was becoming more
and more severe. Lakshmana was tired carrying the heavy package
Sita had brought. The delicate Sita had to walk on stones
and thorns, and her feet bled painfully. When
they were in the middle of the jungle, Lakshmana said, "Mother,
I am a sinner, a cheat. I have brought you here to leave you
in the forest. It seems some washer man said something bad
about you. So Rama has ordered me to abandon you in the jungle.
You are the very personification of virtue;
but I have to perform this wicked deed of leaving you in the
wilderness. You must pardon me."
As Sita heard his words, her eyes became dark and she collapsed
unconscious. Seeing that, Lakshmana's mind was in turmoil.
When Sita regained consciousness she said, "Lakshmana, all
this is the result of my sins. None else is responsible for
this. When the all merciful Rama renounces me, who else can
help? You have only done his bidding. I
must also obey Rama's behest. You may now go back. Convey
my salutations to everyone in Ayodhya." Still weeping,
Lakshmana said, "Mother, I shall return" and went back to
Sita was utterly alone in a thick
forest. She sat beneath a tree and wept loudly. All
the events of her life came back to her mind. She was born
the daughter of King Janaka; she married an exalted person,
Rama, and so entered the palace of Emperor Dasharatha; but
what she got, as her share was only scandal, sorrow and suffering
in a forest. As she thought of all this, she felt heaviness
in the head she lay down, and got into a deep slumber.