The head as every one knows contains the brain covered by the skull. The
brain contains three distinct portions, viz., (1) the Cerebrum (2) the
Cerebellum (3) the Medulla Oblongata. The cerebellum is divided into two
halves, the right and the left. The right half controls the left side
of the body and the left half controls the right side of the body. This
fact will expose the absurdity of identifying the flow of breath in the
left nostril with Ida Nadi and flow of breath in the right nostril with
Pingala Nadi. Besides its manifold functions it is the seat of memory
and consciousness covering all evolutionary stages of existence of this
life as also of the past. The cerebellum is situated under the hind part
of the cerebrum. This portion of the brain regulates the equilibrium of
the body and co-ordinates mental and physical activities.
The Medulla Oblongata is the smallest portion of the brain controlling
the vital functions of the body such as regulation of heart beat and breathing.
It also controls reflex centres and is situated just below the cerebellum.
It is in fact a spinal bulge at the top of the neck. The spinal cord descending
from this bulge through the vertebral column is only in the nature of
a telegraph wire to carry impulses to and from brain and other parts of
the body. If any part of the body is to be called Muladharam it should
be this portion, the base of the brain.
The Medulla Oblongata, the neck and throat region of the body is called
Kaluthu in Dravidian Tamil and Kantam in Aryan Sanskrit. The sacred syllable
of Ganesha the presiding Deity of Muladharam is "Glowm or Gam". This sacred
syllable as well as the anatomical terms like gullet and glottis and the
sanskrit word galam for the neck are related to the Tamil word Kaluthu
above which muladharam is situated. The above delineation would amply
confirm the identity of Muladharam with Medulla Oblongata.