The core of the brain is considered as Brama Randram meaning the hole of Brahma, the Sanctum sanctorum of the temple of God. This temple is said to have nine doors. A mistake is made here also in the matter of the identification of these nine gates. Two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, a mouth, an anus and an urethra are said to be the nine gates. These cannot be accepted as the nine gates for the reason that a female has an extra gate leading to her womb. There cannot be any distinction,
between man and women so far as yoga and metaphysics are concerned. Moreover the urethra, anus and the passage to the womb are ejective organs and these cannot be considered as gates to the city of God in man. Two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth constitute seven gates. For the location of the remaining two gates we have to look to the head and no where else. The writer has been told by his guru that these two gates are two ducts perceptible to clairvoyant vision, running up to Brahma Randhram from both sides of the sthalu (uvula) obviously in the direction of the ectoderm of the roof of the mouth serving the pituitary, Thalamus and Pineal bodies. By constant practice of pranayam, prana in the upward movement as the breath of life, stimulates the glandular regions above ectoderm of the roof of the mouth, bringing about an exalted feeling of delight to the sadhaka. The two hidden ducts get opened and the sadhaka is now on the high road to samadhi.

In certain images of Ganesha there is a third eye situated in the middle of the brow. This eye is the symbol of enlightenment and realisation of the brow-man, the Brahman. Significantly enough this eye of Ganesha occupies a space in level with the space covered by the pineal, pituitary and thalamus bodies which constitutes the lotus heart the seat of Brahman or god. The wearing of a mark mid brow by Hindus originated as a pious reminder of this sanctum sanctorum of Brahman in the lotus heart. In course of time people lost sight of the real object and the mark degenerated into a symbol of narrow sectarianism in the case of men and exhibitionism and silly make up in the case of women who started matching the colour of this mark with the dress they wear.

There is yet another mystic syllable 'OM' held sacred by all Hindus and Buddhists with which Ganesha is very much connected.