Subramanya is also called by his devotees as 'Palani Andi' (the Faquir of Palani). His is referred to the great Tamil mystic poet Sri Arunagirinathar as 'Venjur Konra Ravuthar (the Muslim hero who killed the horrible demon Sura) and Kalapa Mayil Erum Ravuthar (the Muslim hero who rides the peacock with splendid tail). Subramanya's association with peacock is mentioned by Sufis metaphorically as Nuri Mohammed (the lustrous Mohammed) becoming manifest in peacock and perching on the top of the tree of assurance singing songs in praise of God prostrating five times in prayer. The peacock is considered as a sacred bird not only by the Hindus but also by the Muslims of Sufi order. The peacock has now become a national bird of India and is given protection by operation of law.

There is also a Ganesha idol at the Palani Shrine. But it is situated outside the sanctum sanctorium for the obvious reason that he should be the one to be propitiated first, by the pilgrims who visit the shrine.

Although Karthikeya was not included in the Panchayatnana concession of worship by Adi Shankara, his name appears to have been subsequently added to make the list contain six Deities known by the composite name of Shanmatham meaning worship of six Deities, viz., Shiva, Vishnu, Sun,  Ambal, Ganesha and Subramanya. Karthikeya and Ganesha maintain good fraternal relationship although now and then Ganesha is seen up to some prank with his brother. A dispute arose between the brothers as to who should get married first. They approached their parents for a decision. The parents decided that the one who goes round the world and comes first would be the one to get married first.