which became the mount of Ganesha assuming the form of mouse is also mentioned
as one of the twenty-five principles on which the sankya system is built.
Sankya is purely a psychic system and these twenty-five principles are
beyond the scope of ordinary cognition.
The first principle is Prakrithi which
is the uncaused primordial undifferentiated matter.
The second is the Mahat the subtle
cosmic substance (The cosmic intelligence.)
The third is the Ahankara (the ego) which
is acted upon by the three strands of quality, the Sathva, Rajas and Thamas
in Prakrithi. From Ahankara came out four different groups of principles
each group containing five sub principles as detailed below:
I. Tan Mathras. |
1. Sabda (sound) |
2. Sparsa (touch-feeling) |
3. Rupa (form) |
4. Rasa (taste) |
5. Gandha (smell) |
II. Gnanendrias |
1. Shrotra (ear) |
2. Twak (Skin) |
3. Chaksha (eyes) |
4. Rasa (tongue) |
5. Ghrana (nose) |
III. Karmendrias |
1. Vak (mouth) |
2. Pani (hand) |
3. Padam (leg) |
4. Payur (Anus) |
5. Upastham (Genitals) |
IV. Maha Buthas |
1. Akasa (Ether) |
2. Vayu (Air) |
3. Agni (Fire) |
4. Aup (Water) |
5. Prithvi (Earth) |