Ganesh Chaturathi
Ganesh Chaturathi
Bring Him Home
Grand Celebration
Preparing For
Introduction of Lord Ganesha And Ganesh Chaturthi :

Shree Ganesh Mantras


This mantra has a lot of meaning, but to make it simple, it means you will be always very beautiful in soul, in spirit, in face, everything. By meditating on that mantra, very pleasing manners and beauty comes on you. Along with that comes peace which constantly dances in your eyes, and the words which you speak are all filled with that power of love.


Aekadanta refers to one tusk in the elephant face, which means God broke the duality and made you to have a one-pointed mind. Whoever has that oneness of mind and single-minded devotion will achieve everything.


Kapila means that you are able to give color therapy. You are able to create colors around yourself and around others, bathe them in that color and heal them. As per the mantra you create, so will you create the colors. Another meaning is "wish cow", the "cow of plenty." It means that whatever you wish, that comes true. There is a wish-cow inside you. Whatever you wish, especially for healing others, comes true immediately.


The ears of Ganesha, the elephant, are constantly fanning, which means people may talk a lot, but you are not receiving inside anything other than which is important. It also means that you can sit anywhere and tune this cosmic television (the body) with seven channels (chakras) and all 72,000 nadis, to any loka and be able to hear ancestors, angels, the voice of God, or the voice of prophets. That kind of inner ear you will develop through this mantra.


Which means you feel that you are this universe. It means that all the universe are within you. Like an entire tree is in the seed, the whole universe is in the sound of creation which is OM and that OM conciousness in you makes you feel that you are the universe. Therefore, if you say, realizing the oneness with the universe, "shanti" to the world everyday, then the grace of God will come and there will be world peace, universal peace. It is the universes within OM and OM within you.


Means realizing this world as a dream or a drama. When you are in that high consciousness, this whole world looks like a dream. All of us have taken a role. We have to play our role in life as wife or husband or kids or citizens as per the role which we have taken. When an actor bitten by a sponge cobra which is brought on the stage falls, the entire audience cries, but that boy who has fallen knows that it was not a real cobra and that he is not dead. Life is a drama-definitely life in this material world, this physical world of ego is a drama. But inside, like the boy on the stage who is very happy knowing that he didn't die by the bite of the sponge cobra, like that, the truth never dies in us; it is immortal. So everything else you consider as drama. That consiousness comes to you by knowing this mantra.


Invokes the Lord to remove every impediment in your life and in your works. By constantly knowing this mantra, all obstacles and blocked energy in you also is released.


Vinayakaya is the name of Ganesha in the golden age. So by realizing this mantra, your life will have a golden age. In your office, in your work, you'll be the boss. Vinayaka means something under control. Vinayaka means the Lord of problems.


Halley's Comet in called Dhumrakeyu in the Vedas. Whenever Halley's Comet appears, on the whole planet earth and in other places also, there will be fear and terror. The guiding Masters and those who have the wisdom to face it will all withdraw to the higher worlds. Important people die during that time, and bloodshed and various other problems come. To overcome that, it's important for us to remember this mantra for world peace.


This mantra is so important. Suppose you have a group, a country, neighbours, or any kind of group therapy, group healing or a whole country nddeing healing, then you have to bring that entrie group to your mind's arena and say this mantra. A group healing takes place by this mantra.


In Sanskrit, bhala means the forehead center. Chandra means tha cresent moon. Bhalachandra means that chakra from where the nectar drips. That is the secret of all healing. It is to feel yourself as Shiva. Identifying yourself with the Truth and feeling constantly that you are carrying the cresent moon, the symbol of growth and nectar and peace.


This means to have upon your trunk an elephant head. It means the ego is cut off and in its place, OM is kept. This means to have a head filled with infinite consciousness.
