Padma Purana
Vishnu Purana
Varaha Purana
Kurma Purana
Agni Purana
Vamana Purana
Brahma Purana

Under the earth and water are several hells (naraka). They form the kingdom that Yama rules over. There are different narakas for different types of sinners. Those who lie and bear false witness go to Rourava. Those who kill cows go to Rodha. Those who drink, kill brahmanas or steal gold go to Shukara. Those who kill kshatriyas or vaishyas go to Tala. Those who treat their teachers’ wives badly go to Taptakunda. Those who kill messengers or sell women or horses go to Taptalouha. Those who treat their daughters and daughter-in-law badly go the Mahajvala. Those who show disrespect to their seniors or those who criticise the Vedas go to Lavana. Thieves go to Vimohana. Those who criticise good things, Vedas or brahmanas and those who hate their fathers go to Krimibhaksha.

Those who eat before their fathers, gods or guests go to Lalabhaksha. Those who make arrows go to Vedhaka. Those who make swords go to Vishasana. Astrologers go to Adhomukha. Fathers who eat sweets without offering them to their children and brahmanas who sell meat, milk or salt go to Puyavaha.

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