Padma Purana
Vishnu Purana
Varaha Purana
Kurma Purana
Agni Purana
Vamana Purana
Brahma Purana


It was on the twelfth day of the lunar fortnight (dvadashi) that Narayana adopted the form of Vishnu at the request of the wind-god, Vayu. The Vishnu-form has four arms and a conch-shell (shankha), a bladed-discus (chakra), a mace (gada), and a lotus (padma) are held in the four hands. Vishnu also wears a divine garland known as vaijayanti around his neck. Dvadashi was also the day on which Lakshmi became Vishnu’s wife. Lakshmi and Narayana are to be worshipped on dvadashi tithi and on this day brahmanas are to be fed clarified butter and honey.

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