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In Exile
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In Exile

When Nakula did not return for a long time Yudhishthira sent Sahadeva to find out what had happened to him. Sahadeva did not pay any attention to the warning either and, drinking from the pool, fell dead. Overcome by anxiety, Yudhishthira sent Arjuna to see if the younger brothers had met with any mishap. Arjuna reached the pool and saw his younger brothers lying dead. When he also received the same warning he flared up. He shot several arrows in the direction from which the voice had come, but heard only scornful laughter in response. He then decided to quench his thirst. As he drank the water he also fell down and died.

Bhima was the next victim. Yudhishthira waited, thirsty and anxious. After some time he set out in the direction taken by his brothers and came to a beautiful green meadow in the middle of which was a pool of clear, cool water. But when he saw his brothers lying dead, he sat down and wept. After some time, unable to control his thirst, he entered the pool to drink water. And then he heard the voice. Yudhishthira knew that this was the Yaksha, and said, "You may ask me what you will."

"What rescues a man in all dangers?"
"Who is the friend that stays at home?"
"The wife."
"Who accompanies the soul after death?"
"What is that, by giving up which, man becomes rich?"
"Desire. A man who has given up desire is wealthy."

The Yaksha asked many other questions, all of which Yudhishthira answered correctly. Finally he said, "O king, I am pleased with you. You may now ask for the life of any one of your brothers."

After a moment's thought Yudhishthira replied, "Nakula."

The voice asked, "Why Nakula and not the mighty Bhima or the skilful warrior Arjuna who are your protection?"

Yudhishthira replied, "O Yaksha, Kunti and Madri were the two wives of my father. I am the surviving son of Kunti and therefore it is only fair, that I ask Madri's son may be alive." The Yaksha was pleased with this answer and granted that all his brothers may come back to life.

And then came Lord Dharma in the form of a deer to meet his beloved son Yudhishthira and test him. He fondly embraced him and blessed him saying, "Now only a few days remain of your period of exile in the forest. None of your enemies will discover you during the thirteenth year, and may success be yours!" Saying this he disappeared.
