Isavasya OR Isa Upanisad
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad
Chandogya Upanisad
Taittiriya Upanisad
Aitareya Upanisad
Kausitaki Upanisad
Kena Upanisad
Katha Upanisad
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Svetasvatara Upanisad
The Mundaka Upanisad
Prasna Upanisad
Mandukya Upanisad
Maitri Upanisad
Katha Upanisad

Chapter One

15. He taught him of the fire, the beginning of the
What bricks to use and how many, and how to build it
And he repeated it back as it had been told to him
Then Death, satisfied, spoke again.

16. The great-hearted (mahatman) one, pleased, said, ‘Today I give you another favour:
This fire will be known by your name.
Grasp this chain with its many forms.

17. ‘The one of three Naciketa fires, who has attained
union with the three,
Who does the three works, crosses over birth and death.
god, worthy of offerings, who knows all
That is born form brahman,
And building the fires, he reached this surpassing

18. ‘The one of three Naciketa-fires, knowing this
Who, knowing this, builds up the Naciketa,
Thrusting Death’s snares from before him,
Going beyond sorrow, rejoices in a heavenly world.

19. ‘Naciketas, since you chose the heavenly fire
By way of you second boon,
Folk will speak of this fire as yours.
Naciketas, choose your third boon.’

20. ‘There is doubt concerning a man who has departed.
Some say He is, and others say He is not.
Taught by you, I would know this.
This is the third of my boons.’

21. ‘This was doubted here too, by the gods before:
It is a subtle dharma, not easily understood.
Choose a different boon, Naciketas.
Do not, do not insist: release me from this.’

22. ‘So this was doubted here too, by the gods before:
Since you, Death, tell me it is not easily understood,
And no one else can be found who can teach this as you can,
There is no boon to equal this.’

23. ‘Choose a hundred years, sons and grandsons,
Many cattle, elephants gold, horses:
Choose a great estate of land,
And yourself live as many autumns as you will.

24. ‘If you think fit, choose another boon, equal to this
Wealth and long life too.
Naciketas, enter a great realm of desires:
I will make you the enjoyer of your desires.

25. ‘Whatsoever desires are hard to obtain in the mortal world,
Ask for them all, at your will.
Here are fair ladies, with chariots, with musical instruments,
Their like not to be won by men.
Enjoy yourself with them- I give them to you-
Naciketas, but do not ask me about dying.’

26. ‘Ephemeral things, Ender! Since they wear out
The potency of all mortal’s faculties,
And all life is so sort,
The chariots are yours, the dance and sons yours still.

27. ‘A human being cannot be satisfied by wealth.
Shall we get wealth if we have seen you?
We shall live just as long as you decree.
That boon of mine is the only one to choose.

28. ‘Once he has encountered the agelessness of the immortals,
How could the ageing mortal, dwelling on earth below, understanding this,
Contemplating their beauty, pleasure and delights,
Find pleasure in very long life?

29. ‘Tell us, Death, what people are doubtful of
In the great matter of their passing away.
Naciketas chooses no other boon bout this one
That is so deeply hidden.’

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