AVATAR (Incarnation as Nara-Narayana) :Lord Vishnu
took his fifth incarnation as sage Nara-Narayan by taking a birth
from the womb of a woman named 'Kala'. He performed a tremendous
penance by going to Badri and Kedar. He showed the importance Penance
(Labour), and also that nothing can be achieved in this world without

6) KAPILA AVATAR(Incarnation
as Sage Kapila) : Lord Vishnu's Sixth incarnation was
as sage Kapila. The objective of this incarnation was to compile
all the divine knowledge that had been destroyed. He was the profounder
of Sankhya Shastra (rationalism) which helped the Brahmins, who
had forgotten their duties to rectify their mistakes. He also gave
discourse to his own mother.

7) DATTATRAYA AVATAR (Incarnation as Dattatraya) :Lord Vishnu's Seventh incarnation was as Dattatraya. He was born
to Ansuya and his father was Sage Atri. He was the one who had given
Spiritual Knowledge to King Alarka and Prahlada. He had twenty four
teachers. He believed that in the world, a man can learn from each
and every thing, so he accepted twenty-four objects like water,
bird, air, an unmarried girl, and even a prostitute etc.
8) YAGYA AVATAR (Incarnation as Yagya): Lord Vishnu in his eighth incarnation as Yagya was born to Prajapati
and Akuti. He had rescued a 'Devagana' (celestial and supernatural
being) named Yama and also the Manvantar named as 'Swayambhuva'.
The main thrust of his teaching was based on the values of helpfulness
and protecting each other during the time of crisis.