Accomodation in Pondicherry
Where To Stay-Lower The Aristo Guest House, 50 A Mission St, is a recommended place with rooms with bath and with A/C. The Hotel Ellora has rooms with A/C. The Hotel Kanchi Mission St, has clean rooms. It is one of the better cheap places.
Where To Stay - Middle The Aurobindo Ashram-run Guest-houses are the best places to stay in town. You book them from the Ashram reception office on Marine Street, north of Government Square. Smoking and alcohol are banned in the Ashram guest houses.
The Park Guest House at the south end of Goubert Salai, is a recommended place that has rooms with balconies that face the sea. Rooms are deluxe rooms. It has a vegetarian restaurant. Your second choice is the International Guest House Gingy St, which has clean rooms with bath with A/C rooms.
The Sea Side Guest House, 10 Goubert Salai, is a small place that has rooms with bath and hot water. The Ajantha Guest House, 22 Goubert Salai, is a good middle-class place with rooms. Anandha Inn, 154 S V Patel Road is one of the best places in town, with rooms.
The Hotel Mass between the state and TTC bus stands, has comfortable rooms and a deluxe rooms. All rooms have hot water, A/C and TV.