Rama Avatar
The news that Lakshmana too was defeated
and was aground reached Rama. Rama was upset. The people
around whispered, 'This Rama unjustly sent away his virtuous
wife Sita to the forest. This is the result of that sin.'
Bharata told Rama: "Brother, don't be sad. I will go and punish
those boys and bring back the brothers who have swooned."
Hanuman and Jambavanta also went
to the battlefield along with Bharata.
When Hanuman saw Luv and Kusha standing in the battlefield,
he said to Bharata, "Look at those boys. They bare resemblance
to Ramachandra." Bharata looked at them and felt it was indeed
so. The boys bore a very strong resemblance to Rama. Bharata
felt very affectionate towards them. He spoke to Kusha, "My
dear boy, who are you? Who is this other boy? You two have
killed our whole army. You have also brought down my brothers.
Now at least, leave that horse. Why this ill will between
you and us? Go to your mother and be happy."
Kusha laughed and said: 'well, we
belong to the hermitage of Valmiki. I am Kusha and this is
my younger brother Luv. I won't leave this horse. You have
by yourself come for a fight. We have given a proper reply.
We will make you also fall to the ground like your brothers.
Only then will we go to our mother." Even as he spoke he shot arrows at Bharata.
In the fight that ensued between
the two, Bharata collapsed on the ground unable to face the
boy's arrows. The entire army ran away, not being able
to withstand Luv's attack. Even Hanumanta and Jambavanta stood
far away, where the arrows of the boys would not reach them.
Some messengers ran to Rama from the battlefield and gave
him the news. He was in turmoil. With no other way left, he
himself had to go now to the battlefield.
Rama came to the battlefield and
saw that everywhere soldiers were lying on the ground. And
nearby lay his brothers, unconscious. A little further
was the horse, tied to a tree. Near the
horse stood two boys, holding bows and arrows. What
havoc had been wrought by such a small boys! Rama could not
believe his eyes. He gently spoke to the children, "My dear
boys, where from are you? Who is your father? And who is your
mother? Who taught you archery? But why this wicked obstinacy
to tie this horse? And how did you get this might to conquer
such a huge army?"
To all these questions, Kusha replied merely: "Great king,
you have come to free this horse and take it. If you have
that power, well, conquer us and take the horse. Or else go
away from here. Why such useless talk?"
But Rama said, "Alas! Should I fight with children like you?
I do feel angry when - I look at my brothers lying unconscious.
But I just don't have the mind to fix the arrow in my bow.
I love very much to know about you. Do please tell me."