Rama Avatar
Then Kusha told him, "Look, we are the twin sons of Sitadevi.
Sage Valmiki has taught us the Vedas and archery. Our study
of the Ramayana, taught by him, has given us this strength."
Rama then understood that they were
his own sons. At the mention of Sita's name, his agony
knew no bounds. Unable to bear that grief, he swooned and
fell down. Sugreeva who was by his side fanned him and after
a while Rama recovered.
When Rama and Sugreeva were talking, Neela
was stealthily untying the horse. Seeing that, Kusha aimed
an arrow at him. Hit by the arrow, Neela fell to the ground
with a thud. Hanuman, Jambavanta and other heroes surrounded
the boys. But they were all laid on the ground by the boy's
This enraged Rama. He showered his
arrows on the boys. They were not ordinary arrows.
Rama's arrows had killed great heroes like Ravana and Kumbhakarna.
But in front of these boys, even they were ineffective. The two boys cut all the arrows shot
by Rama in the middle of their fight. But the arrows
shot by the youngsters lodged themselves in Rama's body. Rama's
horses fell down and his charioteer too, whole body of Rama
was made gory with wounds. In extreme pain Rama lay down in
his chariot.
The boys ran to him. They
saw the handsome and dignified form of Rama. The
string of pearls he was wearing looked so fine. They took
it off his neck and tied it in a piece of cloth. They
also took away all the precious ornaments worn by Lakshmana,
Bharata Shatrughna. Kusha and Luv were ready to return to
their mother. Just then Luv said, "Brother, one or two in
this army may be awake. Let us drag them to our mother." Kusha
agreed. Hearing this, Hanuman told Jambavanta, "Look, these
boys are going to take us to Sitadevi. That should cause no
worry. She will certainly protect us." It happened just like
that. Luv heard the two of them talking. He went to them,
and tying them up, dragged them with him. With them and with
the jewels, Luv and Kusha returned to the hermitage.
Sita was in great anxiety, as the children had not returned
for such a long time. The boys who now came back went to
her and gave her the bundle of ornaments. The boys made the
two, whom they had dragged thither, prostrate at their mother's
feet. Sita was stunned to see Hanuman and Jambavanta.
And the ornaments were all of Rama, Lakshmana Bharata and
Shatrughna. Her heart seemed to stop. She
told her children, "Alas! What have you done! Why do
we need these ornaments of kings? These monkey heroes are
great beings. Why did you shame them thus?Release
them at once."
The two boys could not understand why their mother was pained.
They took back Hanuman and Jambavanta. Sita tearfully lamented,
"What now? O that all this should have happened just when
Valmiki is not here! What should I do now?" Just
then Valmiki returned to the ashram. He went straight to Sita.
He consoled her saying, "Mother, pray, don't weep. I know
all. All that has happened is for the good. I shall set everything