Rama Avatar
The sage Valmiki proceeded to the battlefield
with Kusha and Luv. Consecrating with sacred spells
the water in the vessel he carried, he sprinkled that water
on all the persons lying on the ground. All of them at once
got up as if from sleep. All of them prostrated at Valmiki's
feet. The sage made Luv and Kusha prostrate
before Rama. Then he said, "O great king, you are very
kind-hearted. You always protect those who come to you in
need. Please do not be angry. These boys
are your own sons. They are born to Sitadevi. They
have now committed a big mistake, when I was not in the hermitage.
You must pardon them."
Rama asked Lakshmana, "Brother, did you not leave Sita in
the forest?" "Yes, I did. But I don't know what happened later,"
replied Lakshmana.
Then Valmiki clarified: "While in
the jungle, by God's grace she was seen by me. I took her
to my hermitage. There she gave birth to these twin children.I
taught the Vedas and archery to them." Valmiki sent Luv and
Kusha to the hermitage and had the Veena brought. As asked
by their preceptor, the boys sang the Ramayana to the accompaniment
of the Veena. Their singing was so sweet, as if the goddess
of music was herself there. They recited the Ramayana from
the beginning to the end. Rama, his brothers and the retinue
listened to it with rapt attention, forgetting themselves.
Rama's joy was boundless. He said to Lakshmana, "Brother,
in voice and speech, shape and beauty, these boys resemble
to Sita." Lakshmana smiled and replied, "Yes Brother, they
are surely your sons. Otherwise how could they get such strength
as to defeat you? Please accept them."
Rama called the two boys to him. They went to him gladly.
Rama drew them near and embraced them. All the people around
were happy. Valmiki told Rama, "It's time
now you accepted Sita back. Please take her to Ayodhya."
Rama wanted to repeat the old fire ordeal
in front of the people of his kingdom to prove the fidelity
of his wife. Sita was humiliated at the thought of
once again going through the ordeal to pure her fidelity.
She prayed to Mother Earth and asked her
to take her in her lap if she was pure. The Prithvi (the earth),
the mother of Sita, opened her bosom and took back her daughter
to the great remorse and lamentation of Rama.
Rama consoled his sons and along
with the army and his sons returned to Ayodhya. Soon he installed
his sons as the worthy rulers of Ayodhya and having completed
his mission Rama too left his material body and went back
to his heavenly abode.