speaking this hymn invokes the help of Him (Ganesha) against all obstacles,
referring him as the pure essence of luminous mind or all pervasive mind
sky (Sukalambaradharam Vishnam) with four hands indicating his Divinity
and the colour of moon indicating mental enlightenment, moon being the
symbol of mind and a face beaming the beatitude.
A little reflection of the inner meaning
of the above hymn would reveal the pranava aspect of Ganesha. He is described
not by his physical appearance but by the quality of his sublime nature
which is Sat-Chith-Ananda and in this light Ganesha's face of beatitude
(Prasannavadhanam) stands ineffable before a discerning eye. He inspite
of his weird and funny looks presents himself as an ideal of spiritual
pursuit and a compendium of esoteric knowledge. Many a sadhaka who has
understood him has contemplated on him in his several aspects in the course
of the practice of yoga and attained a state of bliss following the savya
path of light indicated by his Lambodharam. |