The Tale of Nine Incarnations
In the eleventh Chapter of Durga Saptashati, the story of the nine incarnations has been recorded, which is most beneficial and sacred to all human beings. The deity herself utters therein:
i.e. "At times, when evil demons will overpower the good ones on the earth, I shall manifest myself to destroy the evils of the world…"
And the great goddess has always kept her words by taking birth into this like ordinary human beings to destroy the evils at different times. The tale of nine incarnations goes as follows:
Mahakali At the end of the Eon, when Vishnu had fallen into Yogic sleep stretched out on Sheshnag and the world was nothing but one vast ocean, two dreadful demons called Madhu and Kaitabha arose from his ear wax, bent on killing Brahma. Sitting on the lotus that had grown from Vishnu's navel, Brahma Prajapati saw the two fierce Asuras appear while Janardana lay fast asleep. Single-minded in concentration and with a steadfast heart he praised the meditative sleep that lay upon Hari's eyes in order to awaken him.
"I exalt you, blessed Sleep of Vishnu of matchless splendor, mistress of the universe, mother of the world who both preserves and destroys …Armed with sword, spear, mace and discus, carrying conch, bow and arrows, bludgeon and bhusundi, you are kind, gentler than all the gentle, utterly beautiful, supreme among both high and low; you are the goddess supernal! You are the energy of every substance, no matter what, no matter where, existent or nonexistent. Who am I to praise you-you who poured forth the world. If the god who sustains and consumes the world has been mastered by Sleep, who is left here to praise you? Since Visnu, Isana and I myself have been made by you to take bodily form, how can I offer you praise. In truth, you are celebrated for your exalted glory! Now bring the lord of creation Acyuta quickly back to consciousness, so he may destroy those two dangerous demons, Madhu and Kaitabha!"
The dark goddess, thus praised by the creator, in order to arouse Visnu so that he might kill the two demons, came forth from his eyes, mouth, nostrils, arms, heart and chest, and stood before Brahma, whose origin is hidden. Released by Sleep, Janardana rose from his resting place on the ocean and saw the two evil-natured demons Madhu and Kaitabha, heroic and valorous, eyes red with rage, filled with eagerness to kill Brahma. Springing up, lord Hari battled against the two of them for 5,000 years with only his bare arms for weapons…
The lord, bearing conch, discuss and mace, killed those two demons by splitting open their heads with his discus. And in this manner was born the goddess, praised by Brahma himself.
The goddess was worshipped by Brahma as Mahamaya and Mahakali.
Mahalakshmi The goddess, who killed the Buffalo demon Mahishasur, was known Mahalakshmi. Tormented by the Buffalo demon, the beings had lost their kingdoms and the gods were deprived of their abodes. They were all being chased by the evil souled demons, they reached lord Vishnu to seek shelter.. for the complete story of how the goddess emerged from the combined tejas (energies) of al the gods, please refer to page No. 40 in the Origin of the Goddess.