Gods and Goddesses of Buddhism and Hinduism

In Hindu mythology Kumara is known as Kartikeya. He is Ganesh's younger brother although neither of them is the natural son of Uma (consort of Shiva). Mounting his peacock and generally having six hands Kumara is the divine general God. In Hindu mythology, he is also represented as Skanda, the God of war.
Laxmi is Goddess of wealth. She is usually found seated than standing. She has four hands among which the prominent two hands are in varada and Abhaya Mudra. The rest two hold Darpana (mirror) and Sinhamoo (Vermillion pot). She is always accompanied by two dwarfs. The new moon night of November is dedicated for her annual ceremony.
LHA MO (Chhwaskamuni)
Lha Mo is the only feminine divinity amongs the eight terrible ones. (Dharma Palas). She is an important Goddess of the Tibetans. In many monasteries, she has a place on the corner. She is always kept behind the curtain. She is most terrifying manifestation in the Northern Buddhist Pantheon. Being the only Goddess defender of the Mahayana school she was armed by the Gods. Heybajra gave her two dice to determine the life of men. Brahma gave her a fan of peacock's feathers. Kubera gave her a lion, which she wears in her right ear. Nanda, the serpent God gave her a serpent, which hangs from her left ear. Vajrapani gave her a hammer. Other Gods gave her a mule, whose covering is the skin of a demon and the reins are of venomous serpents. Lha Mo is represented seated sideways on her mule. She wears al the Dharmapala ornaments. She has the third eye. Her expression is ferocious. She wears a long garland of heads. Her covering is a tiger skin. In her right upraised hand, she displays the sceptre while the left holds the skull cup at the breast.
Mahasiddhas are great successful Tantric Saints. They appear in numerous stories and texts which recount their lives. They are the one who had live successful Tantric lives performing innumerable rituals. One of the most important is Padma Sambhav, the founder guru of the Red Hat Sect in Tibet in the ninth century A.D. The word Maha signifies greatness and Siddha denotes a perfected being. Both Hindu and Buddhist tantras assert that by practicing certain rites, a person can gain control (Siddhi) over forces of Nature as well as acquire special abilities such as the ability to fly or to generate storm.

Maitreya Budha is a future Buddha who is expected to come to earth from Tushita Heaven. He is supposed to be passing the life of a Bodhisatwa in the Tushita Heaven preparatory to his descent to earth in Human form. It is said that he will come to earth full 4000 years after the disappearance of Gautam Buddha for the deliverance of all sentient beings. He is the only Bodhisatwa who is worshipped both by the Hinayanists and the Mahayanists.

Maitreye may be represented as a standing figure adorned with rich ornaments and holding in his right hand the stalk of a lotus. Maitreye may also be represented seated as a Buddha, with legs either interlocked or dangling down. His colour is yellow, and his images sometimes bear the figures of Dhyani Buddhas.

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