Sun Mantras

Bija Mantras
As an alternative to the twelve names of the sun, there is a series of bija mantras, or seed syllables. The bija mantras are evocative sounds that have no literal meaning in themselves, but set up very powerful vibrations of energy within the mind and body.

The bija mantras are:

1. Om Hram
2. Om Hrim
3. Om Hroom
4. Om Hraim
5. Om Hraum
6. Om Hraha

The six bija mantras are repeated four times during one complete round of Surya Namaskara.

Either the bija mantras or the sun mantras can be recited aloud or mentally, depending mainly on inclination of the practitioner and the speed of practice. If the speed is very slow then the sun mantras can be combined with chakra awareness. If the speed is a little faster, then the bija mantras can be utilized in the same way. If the physical movements are done a little more quickly, then either the mantras can be recited alone without chakra rotation, or awareness can be rotated through the chakras without mantra.

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