Kena Upanisad
Chapter Two
1. If you think, ‘I know it well’, you know just a little the form of brahman that part of it which is you and that part of it which is among the gods. I think you should investigate that unknown:
2. I do not think, ‘I know it well, And I do not know, ‘I don’t know it.’ Whoever of s knows it, knows it, And does not know, ‘I don’t know it.
3. Is thought of by the one to whom it is unthought; The one by whom it is thought of he does not know It is not understood by the understanders; It is understood by those who do not understand.
4. It is thought of when it is realized by awakening to it: So one finds immortality. Though oneself (atman) one finds power: Though wisdom one finds immortality.
5. If, here, one has known it, it is truth; If, here, one has not know it great destruction! The wise discern it in every being, And when they leave this world become immortal.