Therapeutic Principles

2. The ida dominant individual: A person who is predominatly introverted by nature is a daydreamer who thinks a lot but does not act on his thoughts. Such an individual is acutely aware of his feelings and usually oversensitive to outer events and interpersonal experiences. He may think of catastrophes and usually has little perspective on reality. There is little inner happiness due to a generalized inability 'to get things together' on the outside. These people are rarely active, physical types. They do not have enough vital energy to act efficiently in the world so as to carry out their plans, though, of course, the less severely imbalanced may get out and attempt many things. In an extreme case, physical vitality is very low and diseases such as constipaiton, depression, anxiety, ulcerative colitis, eczema, and a host of psychosomatic conditions develop in this climate.

Therefore we see two main patterns of disease:

1. High physical energy diseases, usually pingala predominant, a rajasic or dynamic state.

2. Low physical energy diseases, usually ida predominant, a tamasic or passive state.

Rebalancing the nadis
Low physical energy states are especially amenable to the practice of Surya Namaskara, this is because these conditions require a boost of prana shakti in order to develop the necessary physical stamina to overcome disease, and also to activate the catabolic processes of our metabolism so as to eliminate the buildup of excess waste products and hormones, such as adrenaline. Or we may want to speed up the metabolic rate. It is this dual aspect of Surya Namaskara, not only to squeeze chemicals out of body tissues, but to actually stimulate the very inter and intra-cellular energizing process, that makes it such a powerfully therapeutic practice.

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