Accomodation in Kumbakonam
Where To Stay - Lower The New Diamond Lodge 93 Nageswaram North St, has clean rooms with bath. Not far away is the new Chellam Lodge, 57 Ayikulam Rd, which has clean room. The Pandiyan Lodge, 52 Sarangapani East St, has clean rooms with bath and is a good value. In the same price ranges is the PRV Lodge, 32 Head Post Office Rd.
Kasi Towers, 140 TSR Big Street, by the Hotel AAR, has basic rooms with A/C.
Where To Stay- Middle There are no upper-class hotels in Kumbakonam.
The Hotel ARR, 21 TSR Big Street, is a decent place with rooms with A/C. This is a recommend place.
VPR Lodge/Hotel Siva, 21 Big St has rooms with hot water with A/C. The Hotel Siva has large but featureless rooms. The rooms are really impersonal
The best place in town is the Hotel Raya's, 28-29 Head Post Office Rd, near the Mahamaham Tank, which has clean smallish rooms with A/C. However, you can get almost the exact same rooms at the Hotel ARR, which is also more centrally located by the temples, for a cheaper price.
The Hotel Athitya, 11-12 Thanjavur Main Road, is in a quiet part of town and has rooms that are a good value with bath with A/C. This place is new, and the price will go up once it becomes more established.