information in Mahabalipuram
Air The nearest airport is in Madras.
Rail The nearest railway station is in Chengalpattu (Chingleput), 29 km west of Mamallapuram and 60 km south of Madras. From there you can get a bus or taxi to Mamallapuram. If you're coming from Madras, it is best to take a bus to Mamallapuram.
Bus From Madras (2 1/2 hr, 60 km) private buses leave from Parry's corner (next to the High Court Building) at the intersection of NSC Bose Road and Popham's Broadway. State buses to Mamallapuram (2 1/2 hr) leave from Broadway station. The #188, #188 A/B/D and K are faster buses, while the #9, #108B, and #119 A take a little longer. Young boys hand around the bus stand to help you get on the right bus for a rupee or two. From the Mofussil bus stand, near Esplanade in Madras, you take # 19A, #19C, and #68 buses to get to Mamallapuram.
There are regular buses to Kanchipuram (2 hr) via Tirukkalikundram, Chengalpattu, and Pondicherry (2 1/2 hr)
Taxi By taxi it takes an hour and a half to get from Madras to Mamallapuram. To take a day excursion from Madras. You can get a taxi from the bus stand in Mamallpuram for a long distance trip, but the prices are inflated and you really have to work to get a decent price.