information in Mountabu
Air The closest airport is in Udaipur, six hours away by road.
Train The railhead for Mt Abu is at Abu Road, which is 27 km away. It is on the metre-gauge line between Abmedabad and Delhi via Ajmer and Jaipur. It is about 765 miles north of Bombay. There are no direct trains to Bombay. You have to either get a bus or train to Ahmedabad and from there get a train to Bombay. You can book railway tickets and make reservations in Mt Abu by the service station near the Tourist Bungalow. The booking office is open daily.
The Ashram Express goes to Delhi via Jaipur (8 hr) and Ajmer (3 hr). There are other trains to Jaipur, Delhi and Ajmer. There are several trains to Ahmedabad (5 hr, 187 km). The Agra Fort Fast Passenger Exp takes 25 hr to reach Agra.
Bus There are many buses from here. Using one of the private buses can be much faster than going to Abu Road and taking a train. It takes 8 hours to get to Ajmer and 11 hours to Jaipur. There is an express bus to Anmedabad (7 hr) that connects with the overnight Girnar Express to Veraval (Somnath) in Gujarat. There is private luxury day bus to Udaipur (6 hr).
There are regular buses between Abu Road (27 km, 45 min) and Mt Abu. As you enter Mt Abu there is a tollgate where passengers are charged. Some state buses go to Mt Abu and others go to Abu Road, so make sure you get the correct bus.