information in Pushkar
Air The closest airport is 131 km away in Jaipur.
Train The nearest railway station, in Ajmer (10 km), has trains to Jaipur, Delhi, Udaipur, and Ahmedabad. From Ahmedabad you can get a train to Bombay or Dwarka. You can have a travel agent in Pushkar arrange your train a day or two in advance charge, rather than going to Ajmer yourself. The best way to get to Delhi is to catch an overnight train from Ajmer. It is much better than taking an overnight bus, but it takes a little advance planning.
Bus There are two bus stands in Pushkar-the Marwar bus stand, in the north of town by the post office, which services some long distance places, and the Ajmer bus stand, east of town by the Pushkar Hotel, which has buses to Ajmer and Jaipur. There are regular buses from Pushkar to Ajmer. The buses from Ajmer to Pushkar depart every hour from 6 am to 10 pm from near the Ajmer railway station.
In Pushkar there are ticket agents that sell tickets for deluxe buses to cities all over this part of India. The buses depart from Ajmer, and the ticket agents usually arrange free jeep transport to Ajmer to get the bus.
One express bus leaves daily from the Marwar bus stand in Pushkar for Delhi. But it is a noisy video bus. There is a deluxe bus that leaves from the Ajmer bus stand at 7.15 am for Delhi. There is a direct bus from Udaipur to Pushkar, stopping in Nathdwar, which takes about eight hours.
Car From Ajmer there are collective jeep taxis to Pushkar, which depart from the railway station. The jeep taxis from Pushkar to Ajmer leave from the main street in the bazaar and from the old bus stand.