information in Thanjavur
Air The nearest airport is in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) 60 km away. It is a small airport with flights of Madras and Madurai.
Train You can get a train to and from Madras, Chidambaram, Rameswaram, Madurai, Tirupati, and Tiruchirappalli. The train station is south of the Anicut Canal about 2 1/2 km from the center of town. To Madras are the Cholan Exp # 6154 and the Rame-svaram Exp #6102.
Bus There are two bus stations in the south of town, off Hospital Road-TTC Bus Stand and the Muncipal (State) Bus Stand. The buses for Kumbakonam and some of the buses to Tiruchirappalli leave from the local Municiapl Bus Stand. From the long distance Thiruvalluvar (TTC) bus stand, frequent buses go to Madurai and Tiruchirappalli. There are also buses to Madras, Tirupati, Chidambaram, and Pondicherry. There is a computerised booking office.