The story of Ma Vaishno
About the Shrine
Route to the cave
Information To Pilgrims
How To Get There






The Story of Ma Vaishno Devi   

Vaishnavi decided to proceed northward as directed by Ram. After a lot of adventures she finally reached the Trikuta mountain and set up her Ashram at the place known today as Bhumika near the present day town of Katra and immersed herself in intense Tapasaya in order to overcome whatever spiritual shortcomings she still had. Vaishnavi continued to perform her Tapasaya in this manner for thousands of years and attained extra ordinary spiritual heights. In fact, she evolved her latent spiritual capabilities to such an extent that she came at par with her creators-Goddesses Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati.

Ram entering Vaishnavi's Ashram

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