The Essence and Purpose of Yoga

The Yoga Ethics
Karma Yoga
Bhakti Yoga
Raja Yoga
Jnana Yoga
Asparsha Yoga


Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga uses the body and the physical functions as instruments perfection and realisation. It is based on the principle that the vital mechanism is sustained by two currents of energy: one is positive-ha; the other negative--tha.

A New Energy-balance:

These are the two powers, the solar and the lunar, ida and pingala, which when balanced render the vital-complex harmonious. The energy balance that nature gives is insufficient. Hatha Yoga establishes a new balance that permits the growing dynamic flow of vital energy (prana) which is unlimited.

Lakshmi - one who loves lotus

Every individual absorbs by means of particular pranic centres, a quantity of energy according to his capacity. It is as if he is equipped with a receiving and transmitting magnet, which has a threshold. It is like the body cells that are able to tolerate a certain voltage of electricity beyond which the cells die. Hatha Yoga helps us to receive a higher' flow of pranic
energy of greater intensity than is otherwise possible.

Hatha Yoga is a psychophysical discipline based on two hugely efficacious instruments: The Asanas and Pranayanma.

The Asanas:

The Asanas favour particular energy flows; they also render the body immobile by means of 'control' and 'power'. The power of physical immobility is as Important as the power of immobility or suspension of the vrittis (thoughts modification) in Raja Yoga. Immobility is nor only physical but also requires mental passivity. In this state the consciousness is more open and attentive and less dispersive. Whosoever is master of his own thoughts uses up only about one third of the prana energy that is usually employed by an individual who does not control his mind.


Stabilise Pranic Energy:

The waste of pranic energy in everyday living is enormous. T his energy can be utilised to overcome illness, inability to stabilise the flow of pranic energy, inbalance between ingoing and outgoing currents, ete. A stabilisation of the flow of pranic energy brings about a balance between ingoing and outgoing currents. When the energy state becomes precarious and leads to deterioration, control of breathing can help to restore balance.

The pranayama (control of breathing) concerns the mastery over the vital forces; in fact, breathing is connected with pranic energy flow.
According to Hatha Yoga, pranayama plays a double role: First, it harmonises pranic input and output, gives greater vitality to cell tissues and strengthens the physique to transcend natural caprices; second, it favours the awakening of Kundalini, revealing to the aspirant unusual and extraordinary fields of consciousness. It may bestow extraordinary psychic powers or siddhis, but these do not give liberation or realisation and may enslave.