The blind bard, Surdas was a contempurary
of Akbar He spent most of his time singing on his beloved
Krishna, somewhere between Agra and Mathura. A meeting with
Saint Vallabhachrya is said to have sparked poetry about the
boyhood exploits of Sri Krishna.
The main works of Surdas are: Sursagar, SurSaravali and Sahityalahari.
Surdas's songs overflow wirh pure, heartrending devotion.
But unlike Jayadeva and Vidyapati whu deified Krishna, the
Lover Surdas sang of child Krishna and his pranks. No Hindi
poet has equalled Surdas in his kllowledg"e of child
In his songs, Surdas shows his deep knowledge aud understanding
of the Puranas, especially the Bhagavata.
To hear Surdas's songs is to transport oneself to a spiritual
world brimming with love, faith and devotion.