Gur Dhobi Sikh Kapda, Saboo Sirjan Har
Surti Sila Pur Dhoiye, Nikse Jyoti Apaar

Guru the washer man, disciple is the cloth
The name of God liken to the soap
Wash the mind on foundation firm
To realize the glow of Truth
In this Doha, Kabir shows the quality of a good teacher, the Guru.
Like only by following the technique of washing clothes, the washer
man cleans the cloth, same way the preceptor or the teacher takes
upon himself to cleanse the mind of his disciples and guide them
to realize the Truth within.
Viewed in context of our day to day life, we can observe that only
when we are totally involved in our actions, only then we can be
assured of achieving results. Diligence, dedication and total intensity
is required while performing any act, only then one finds the true
joy, the fulfillment