Kabir Man Nirmal Bhaya, Jaise Ganga Neer
Pache Pache Har Phire, Kahat Kabir Kabir

Kabir's mind got cleansed like the holy Ganges water
Now everyone follows, saying Kabir Kabir
Everyone desires to be known, to belong. Yet due to the chaotic
states of our minds, we find ourselves secluded and limited. The
cause of this chaos is our attachments and bondages. For some reason
we are unable to break these shackles and are therefore confined.
The desire to scale the heights of infinity can be achieved only
when there is release from our attachments and feelings of insecurity
that bind us. And, this is possible only when our mind is cleansed
from the impurities of ego, illicit passions, anger, fear, greed
and procrastination.
Once the mind is free then we find ourselves relaxed, loving and
compassionate. Then everyone looks up to us and wants to associate
with us with confidence. Only those with relaxed and loving mind
find themselves in harmony with everyone.