Jaise Til Mein Tel Hai, Jyon Chakmak Mein Aag
Tera Sayeen Tujh Mein Hai, Tu Jaag Sake To Jaag

Like seed contains the oil, fire in flint stone
Your temple seats the Divine, realize if you can
What is real and how is it veiled?
This yearning for the Truth is the basic search of everyone. We
all want to know what God really is. Kabir in this doha reveals
the secret. He unfolds the mystery in a very simple way. He takes
the example of the anti-seed which contains the oil. However, when
we see the seed, we don't see the oil. It is only seen when energy
is used to extract the oil from the seed. Same way fire is not visible
when we look at the flint stone. However, vigorous rubbing manifests
fire which is already hidden in the flint. Same way, Kabir asserts,
that our body - the temple - seats the Divine. This divinity is
our true self. However, due to our ignorance, we are unaware of
this reality. Kabir challenges us in this doha to shed the veils
of ignorance and awaken to realize our true self.
This doha also reminds of Swami Vivekananda, who said, "Man
is potentially divine and the sole purpose of this life is to discover
that divinity. The time to do is here and now".